Welcome to our journey into literature.
This site is currently under construction!
Our purpose (eventually) is to identify written works that have some or all of these characteristics:
High in literary quality; for example, more literary fiction than pulp fiction.
Projects good human values; dignity, honor, trust, love.
Low in explicit violence, sex, obscenity, foul language.
What we have in mind, at present, is:
We think readers achieve a better understanding and a greater enjoyment from the reading experience when they are informed about the work. So, we are planning a unique feature, "What to Look For", in which authors have a chance to enrich that reading experience by guiding readers to look for special features of the story or unusual aspects of the writing.
We do NOT plan to have ratings or posted comments, and we do NOT intend anything posted here to be construed as an endorsement or a recommendation, expressed or implied.
To encourage maximum utility, we also plan to allow authors to suggest their own works, subject to our constraints, and to provide a link to the author's website, but we don't intend to require a link.
Site administrators have sole discretion to add, remove, or decline any listing.
Here are a few titles to wet your appetite while we get organized:
Krueger, William Kent: Ordinary Grace
Morrell, David: The Architecture of Snow
Munro, Alice: Dear Life
Silva, Daniel: The Rembrandt Affair
Smith, Deborah: A Gentle Rain
Sparks, Nicholas: The Guardian
Stay tuned for further developments!
This site is currently under construction!
Our purpose (eventually) is to identify written works that have some or all of these characteristics:
High in literary quality; for example, more literary fiction than pulp fiction.
Projects good human values; dignity, honor, trust, love.
Low in explicit violence, sex, obscenity, foul language.
What we have in mind, at present, is:
We think readers achieve a better understanding and a greater enjoyment from the reading experience when they are informed about the work. So, we are planning a unique feature, "What to Look For", in which authors have a chance to enrich that reading experience by guiding readers to look for special features of the story or unusual aspects of the writing.
We do NOT plan to have ratings or posted comments, and we do NOT intend anything posted here to be construed as an endorsement or a recommendation, expressed or implied.
To encourage maximum utility, we also plan to allow authors to suggest their own works, subject to our constraints, and to provide a link to the author's website, but we don't intend to require a link.
Site administrators have sole discretion to add, remove, or decline any listing.
Here are a few titles to wet your appetite while we get organized:
Krueger, William Kent: Ordinary Grace
Morrell, David: The Architecture of Snow
Munro, Alice: Dear Life
Silva, Daniel: The Rembrandt Affair
Smith, Deborah: A Gentle Rain
Sparks, Nicholas: The Guardian
Stay tuned for further developments!